CDR Verification Framework Documentation
Docs: Component
Non-carbonate weathering products
An enhanced weathering intervention may produce byproducts that do not facilitate carbon storage, for example if weathering is facilitated by non-carbonic acid. Valuable byproducts (e.g. hydrogen or sulphuric acid) or services (e.g. metal extraction or pollutant reduction) may also be produced. Any avoided emissions associated with these valuable byproducts should not be counted as additional carbon removal, but could potentially be counted against project lifecycle emissions.
Applicable pathways
Revision history

Apr 10 2023
First release.
Non-carbonate weathering products
An enhanced weathering intervention may produce byproducts that do not facilitate carbon storage, for example if weathering is facilitated by non-carbonic acid. Valuable byproducts (e.g. hydrogen or sulphuric acid) or services (e.g. metal extraction or pollutant reduction) may also be produced. Any avoided emissions associated with these valuable byproducts should not be counted as additional carbon removal, but could potentially be counted against project lifecycle emissions.
Applicable pathways
Revision history

Apr 10 2023
First release.